"For best quality, please watch in HD (720p or 1080p) and fullscreen mode" www.prinzessinvonhohenzollern.com Special thanks for this great film, music and effects go to Sascha Theel, who did an incredible job!! The film shows the animal welfare activities of Princess Maja von Hohenzollern. Princess Maja von Hohenzollern is very active socially and is an ambassador for empathy and respect towards life, people and animals. Princess Maja von Hohenzollern works internationally for the protection of animals. She fights especially for the abolition of all animal killing stations in Europe, where annually millions of innocent stray dogs and cats are killed. The dedicated animal rights activist promotes alternative for neutering programs in connection with pet-passport and chip-duty for the street animals, because that is the only humane and effective way to reduce the population (CNVR method). In addition Princess Maja also operates in political animal protection at the level of the EU Parliament and is committed to a Europe-wide animal welfare law, which forbids the killing of stray animals. The Princess occurs for the legal recognition of animals as "living" one, because in many countries animals are legally only be seen as a "thing" and crimes against animals then stay to as "damage to property" mostly unpunished. Particularly in Romania and Ukraine, Princess Maja von Hohenzollern has in recent years actively and vehemently politically used for the rescue of stray dogs. In <b>...</b> Длительность: 38:46
Скриншоты к видео Princess Maja von Hohenzollern - Commitment For Animals
29 мая 2012 года первый телеканал Германии снимал сюжет о работе "Дорожного Контроля". Сам сюжет будет выложен через неделю, после того, как он попадет в эфир немецкого ТВ. Этот же ролик - немного сумбурная нарезка того, как проходил день съёмок. Мой любимый момент - это когда инспекторы Кобры начали требовать от немецких журналистов общаться "дэржавною мовою" и обозвали их провокаторами. Сюжет выйдет 6 июля вот в этой передаче www.daserste.de Некоторые другие видео с участием главного "провокатора": www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Длительность: 36:44
Скриншоты к видео Как 1й Немецкий канал (ARD/WDR) "провоцировал" ГАИ Украины
WIUU. On the class of HRM we received task to make a presentation about HR system in Multinational corporation. Our small team have chosen L'Oreal Paris Kiev branch. On this video: Ms.Peter Philippa interviewing Mark about job opportunities for ukrainian students. Длительность: 2:36
Скриншоты к видео L'Oreal - Kiev : Interview with GM, Mr.Mark Savchuk
European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202) Peter the Great's historical significance stems not only from his military ambitions and the great expansion of the Russian Empire under his supervision, but also from his efforts to introduce secular, Western customs and ideas into Russian culture. Despite his notorious personal brutality, Peter's enthusiasm for science and modern intellectual concerns made an indelible mark both on Russia's relationship to the West and on its internal politics. The struggle under Peter's reign between Westernizers and Slavophiles, or those who resist foreign influences, can be seen at work in Russia up to the present day. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Peter the Great and the Territorial Expansion of Russia 07:37 - Chapter 2. Russia as a European Power: The Influence of the West on the Russian State 14:47 - Chapter 3. The Peculiarities of Peter the Great: The Peasant Czar 27:37 - Chapter 4. A New Culture: Divergences from the Russian Orthodox Religious Tradition 32:40 - Chapter 5. The Boyars: Junior Partners in Russian Absolutism 37:29 - Chapter 6. Peter the Great: The Ambivalent Child of European Rationalism Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2008. Длительность: 45:43
САЙТ! artmuz.com.ua Саксофонист-виртуоз, живой саксофон, услуги саксофонистов на корпоратив, садьбу, праздник, вечерику, юбилей и т. д. Работа по Киеву, киевской области и Украине. Длительность: 3:13
Скриншоты к видео Rusalex Saxophone#2 muzikanty music Kiev http://artmuz.com.ua