Московский Процесс: Нефтяной Барон Против Хозяина Кремля Удивительный фильм о вечном конфликте Ходорковского и Путина. Фильм раскрывает многие темные кремлевские тайны -- о том против чего так долго боролся Ходорковский. Длительность: 43:37
Скриншоты к видео Московский Процесс: Ходорковский и Путин
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Авторская программа Сандея Аделаджи "Становление Творцов истории". Заходим, смотрим и ОЦЕНИВАЕМ !!! Комментарии оставлять на сайте Посольства Божьего www.godembassy.org «ЧЕЛОВЕК ЦАРСТВА БОЖЬЕГО-2011». Номинант категории «Работа в социальных сферах». Людмила Туманова - Председатель Совета ветеранов Оболонского р-на, Президент ОО "Мудрость нации". Влияние - более 6 ооо человек пожилого возраста Длительность: 8:24
Скриншоты к видео Становление творцов истории. Людмила Туманова. 1
Like and comment attrendflux.com and I might get a job making videos for them! Shameless self-promotion! Lyrics: Now this the story all about how us Jews got kicked out of our town So I'd like to take a minute with you sittin' right there Tell you all about the life of my friend Reb Tevye In west Anatevka born and raised Where we cherish old values and traditional ways Farmin' Prayin' obeying old rules Insisting that horses are, in fact, mules When a Russian guy, by the name of Perchik tutored Tevye's daughters and taught them what to think We went up to the man and said "we don't teach girls" He said "You have to learn about the values in the outside world" Then Tevye spoke to Tzeitel, hoping to amaze her He'd made deal for her to marry his friend Lazar But Tzeitel refused, Tevye was not amused It wasn't customary for the girl to choose Time passed, and Tzeitel was glad She got to marry the very oldest friend she had. But Tevye, to convince her had to lie to his wife About a dream full of ghouls he'd had the previous night On the wedding day the village, was filled with romance. And Perchick caused a stir by asking Hodel to dance Then Russians broke in and cruelly demonstrated; That they ultimately planned to have us relocated A couple months later and Perchick announced He planned to go to Kiev and make Hodel his spouse ready to protest and bringin' change without halting They asked Tevye for his blessing and he said "That's revolting" After some thought he agreed to <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:45
Скриншоты к видео Fiddler on the Spoof (Fresh Prince of Anatevka)